This project was originally intended to be a simple but varied little game, as the final project for a programming course. Its development started in November 2019, and will continue to grow in the near future.
This game is based on several already famous RPG and Action-Adventure game titles.
- The Legend of Zelda
The main idea was originated from the series The Legend of Zelda, which inspired the overworld mechanics and items.
- Pokémon
The second clear reference has been the Pokémon series, which helped most at implementing battle mechanics and layout.
In addition, Science is always present, providing a perfect topic for the main story. Many other games, films, series and music have inspired this game too, as well as its soundtracks.
This project is programmed in Java. Although at the time of starting making the game my knowledge of the programming language was quite good, at least for a recent begginer, I knew almost nothing about game programming. As I had to start from scratch, I got help from several online game-making tutorials, which contributed most to project organization and hierarchy.
The main ideas were directly taken from existing sources and projects principally. Nevertheless, for the creation and edition of some image and video resources, softwares such as Krita and Kdenlive were very useful. In the future, more elaborated graphics and animations may be added or used instead.